A combination of two outstanding procedures called Torque Release Technique (TRT) and Advanced Principles of Extremity Adjusting. It’s based on science and research and has excellent clinical outcomes.
Dr. Price has over 20 years Education Training and Experience. He continues to add to this knowledge by taking classes, doing research and listening to you in order to be the Best Chiropractor possible.
No referral needed. However we do accept referrals from MD's
Yes. YOU will be treated the first day, unless there is a medical reason to not be treated the first day.
We won’t always adjust you or treat you where you are feeling pain. This doesn’t mean we don’t care about your pain or are not interested in relieving it. It just means we are looking at you in a different perspective.
Think of it as layers, when bones go out, from overuse, repetitive use or injury, there is a chain reaction throughout your body. Your body is completely interconnected with fascia, ligament, muscles, tendons, and bones. Tension in one area can transfer tension somewhere else. In other words, you may be feeling soreness in your low back, but the actual source of that pain could be in your neck. Through the analysis Dr Price can diagnose the true or primary cause. Usually the pain will go away once tension is released. Once the primary is gone the others will release on their own.
Each adjustment pulls another layer away. The adjustment addresses the primary problem, which is not necessarily symptomatic, in fact rarely symptomatic. during the time between adjustments, as you integrate the change, and the tension has released, you will work through releasing and allow new primary ones to be ready during the next visit.
Cracking works great for short term relief but, experience shows that repetitive adjustments are needed doing the same thing over and over to make it stick. This creates another problem, patterning, where the same segment keeps going “out”. Cracking where it hurts is not addressing the primary cause, which is adverse mechanical cord tension and tethering of the spinal cord which puts the nervous system in distress. By addressing the primary problem, that layer is gone forever. With this, the patient continues to unwind and pull the layers off indefinitely
When the spinal cord is under pressure the nervous system is in distress. Which throws everything out of balance. It takes extra energy for the nervous system to maintain homeostasis, often times requiring exogenous input (meds). Once the pressure is released the body finds a new balance which can be very different from what you are used to. As you adapt, this can feel weird until you realize it is part of feeling better.
The instrument is called an Integrator. It was developed in conjunction with TRT during the largest human population study in Chiropractic history and is the only instrument cleared for addressing chiropractic subluxation, with speed precision and comfort, the results are excellent.
Timing is important. Have you ever said one small thing to someone at just the right (or wrong) time and had a huge response? While other times no matter how much you do there is very little response? Every adjustment is the right place at the right time. Precise and specific. That is why this works so well.
It is very relaxing, it seems mild, you may even think there is not much being done because it usually doesn’t hurt much. Your spine is freed up to release on its own. This allows your body to do what it is capable of doing, to heal. Every visit is a complete and thorough adjustment.
This is the key part. The analysis. This is a functional /neurological test. The quick thrust on the feet is input into your nervous system. This input gives feedback from you for an accurate objective diagnosis how to adjust you, meaning, which bone, what angle and torque.
It is a deep tendon reflex, just like when a doctor would hit your knee with a reflex hammer. They engage your Achilles reflex by pressing down on your ankles. This reflex is the authority in the body that allows him to find the primary problem.
Instead of doing a guess and check approach to patient care, where “twisting and cracking” multiple levels of vertebrae at a time based on areas of pain, called non-specific or mass manipulation. TRT allows you to work closely with the body almost as if asking the patient’s body what it needs. The more specific corrections, the better the results.
Yes, the malpractice insurance cost is one tenth that of a MD. Insurance companies are aware of the safety. This means there is low risk for them, hence, it is safe.
X-rays or other advanced imaging will be ordered if a fracture or pathology is suspected. I do not use them to diagnose. There is a common misconception that x-rays or MRI’s are therapeutic. There are very clear guidelines, “to see what is going on” is not one of them. If there is no pathology or fracture, the most you can hope to see is degeneration or osteo arthritis. Most everyone over the age of thirty will have some level of arthritis, so to order films and then somberly announce, “you have arthritis” is a ridiculous scare tactic that has no benefit to anyone. If done indiscriminately it contributes to excessive and rising cost in health care.
It is different for everyone. Usually right away, 95% of the time people feel a lot better after the 3rd adjustment. Healing is a process not an event.
Try to assess your progress by more than just how much pain you have: How well are you moving, carrying out daily activities, sleeping, relating to others, feeling emotionally, energy levels changing? LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE.
No, we are not putting you back “in” when you go “out”, with the need to constantly get adjusted. When you stop, you just stop progressing. You can stop anytime and won’t feel like you are “out”. Over time, tension will build up and pain may return, you will want to get adjusted again.
Many factors are involved here. What are you doing? And what have you done in the past? Are you eating foods that are inflammatory? Are you letting stress get to you?
This is a journey, a quest, you are moving along a path with ups and downs. During This journey There is nothing to maintain, you only move forward, experiencing personal growth.
Timing is everything, if you miss your chance to heal, that opportunity is gone forever and you must restart further down in a less optimal state.
Nothing, you will be fine, you will just start to slowly move toward chaos once again. But the adjustments you did get when here are permanent. Over time based on your form and function, similar symptoms will appear but you will never go back.
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